Thank you for your interest in the TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) Program at Mesa Community College (MCC). The program’s mission is to retain, graduate and transfer students to a four-year institution in good academic standing and equipped with the tools necessary for academic and personal success. The TRIO SSS Program at MCC works under the philosophical foundation that all students, regardless of life circumstances, economic status, educational background, and/or disabilities, have the potential to realize a postsecondary degree and therefore should have equal access to higher education, support, and resources necessary to graduate from college. We are a federally-funded program through the U.S. Department of Education.
To be eligible for the program, you must be a US CITIZEN OR ELIGIBLE NON-CITIZEN,
demonstrate academic need, be making satisfactory academic progress at time of application and
meet at least one of the following criteria:
- FIRST GENERATION COLLEGE STUDENT (neither of your parents has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree)
- INCOME QUALIFIED: Deemed “low-income” based on federal taxable income info.
- And/or have a DOCUMENTED DISABILITY (students will need to provide their eligibility letter for those registered with DRS)
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Preferred Method of Contact
Do you identify as Latino/Hispanic?
Race, American Indian or Alaskan Native
Race, Black or African American
Race, Hawaiian or other Native to Pacific Island
Do you have a documented disability? (optional)
Have you completed your GED or HS Diploma?
Have either of your parents graduated from a 4-year college?
TRIO provides supports to students that include academic advising, mentoring, tutoring, career counseling, financial aid assistance, note taking skills, stress management, self esteem, test taking skills, community resources, financial literacy, scholarship assistance, study skills, time managment, transfer services, and peer coaching, What supports do you feel would help you be successful here at MCC.
Income Verification
Per federal guidelines, TRIO must verify student income for eligibility purposes. To verify low income status, please fill out this form based on your financial aid status (dependent/independent student).
Please declare the income for your family for 2021 and the number of people in the household.
What was your family income?
Number of family members in household?
If you are a dependet student, please have your parent/guardian e-sign here.
Please select a signature verification type.
Sign here to acknowledge that the above information is accurate.
Please select a signature verification type.